Local independent news + journalism

Featuring voices of on-the-ground activists

Knock LA is Los Angeles’ only independent news source that takes its reporting from the community organizers and activists fighting for a city built on equality. Knock aims to tell stories of struggle that would otherwise go unreported, and to provide insight into local politics that can only be gained from being on the ground, and working within communities. Primary coverage includes Housing, Immigration, Policing, Local Politics, and the Environment.

If you’re interested in writing for Knock, visit knock-la.com/write-for-us We pay for original reported material, and also publish statements and reports on actions from community organizations.


The Knock LA Podcast is a community effort that highlights and uplifts the work of organizers, advocates, and community members. Through conversations, audio essays, and news broadcasts, we bring new perspectives to local, national, and global issues.

We produce content that explores Los Angeles politically and culturally, engages our community, and builds power. Our media is based on the idea that we can empower each other through experimentation.

We distribute the podcast through Soundcloud, iTunes, Spotify, Player FM, and a number of other services. You can subscribe to the RSS feed in your podcatcher of choice.

Knock maintains social media presences to keep the conversation going. There are no rules for how we cover important issues, instead we are committed to moving the work forward. Join us on Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, or Facebook.


Live streaming of news, actions, and events from Knock and Ground Game on Twitch